In order to obtain the best results for your project, we have compiled the following guidelines for artwork submission. While we prefer you submit your files in .PDF format, we will accept PC files created in Adobe Creative Suites. Please save your files to CS4. This can be done using File > Export: InDesign Markup (IDML). We do not accept, file produced in Word, Paint, Flash, or anything in a web-ready format.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 203.401.1845 or email questions to


It is the customer’s responsibility to prepare electronic files for proper output. This includes checking spelling; verifying output sizes and resolution of 300 ppi, ( pixels per inch) at final size); and conversion of RGB to CMYK. Special color matches might require a proof from the printer.

Large format graphic files can become very large and difficult to work with. To help reduce file size, keep the following in mind:

  • FILE: Save to a .pdf with reduced file size. Please check that the final reduction in file size does not reduce the resolution of images below 125 pixels per inch (Large Format jobs only).
  • RESOLUTION: Color images should be provided at 300 ppi at final size. Do not use images you have saved from web pages unless you are certain of their resolution. Web based images are usually 72 dpi, and if blown up large might look just awful.

Prepare the graphic at ½ or ¼ of final size, maintaining scale. If preparing a file at ½ size be certain to change the resolution of all images to 600 ppi. Vector-based output enlarges without loss of resolution and is easier to color correct. Vector files should be provided as EPS or Illustrator files. Make certain your documents have appropriate bleed (⅛”) all around and crop marks just outside the bleed area. Keep live text away from edges and trim areas. Please submit the native files as well. Fonts should be converted to outline.


If matching a PMS color is critical, please specify them in the vector file using the PMS Solid Coated color chart. Files that cannot be manipulated cannot be matched. If special color matches are critical, please speak with us first and discuss proofing the colors to see the results on the intended media.

If you are using a Pantone Color Match in a raster file, do not change the name of the color. The RIP software will attempt to match the Pantone Color, but won’t be able to adjust colors with a name it does not recognize. Pantone color matches on different substrates, including transparencies cannot be guaranteed to match. Some colors cannot be matched at all. Consult the Pantone Bridge or Solid to Process Chart to see if your solid color translates well to CMYK. If this is critical, you should submit proofing files that can be run on the job substrate. Please allow for additional time and cost for these proofs.


Soft Proofing or giving approvals from screen images should be reserved for artwork position and text only. If you want to see a hard copy, please submit that request with the job. Proofing often delays a project, so please consider the extra time and cost when planning your end date.